Your school organization can choose from among the following packages for your school beneficiary:
1. Big Ate and Kuya Package (P10,000)
Includes 25 volumes of Bayani / Hirayamanawari.
Donate a collection or a package.
2. Kapamilya Package (P39,366)
108 assorted volumes of Sineskwela,
Math Tinik, Epol/Apple, Hirayamanawari & Bayani in DVD format.

3. S4S Library Package (P55,000)

Kapamilya Package + 21 inch colored TV + DVD player

The ETV package will be given to the schools during a turnover ceremony to be organized by the ABS-CBN Foundation for the school beneficiaries.


Cristopher Abrajano said...

Good day Im Mr. Cristopher Abrajano of Pardo Elementary School I wanted to get a copy of mathenik for grade 5 and 6. Pls let me know the price. you can reach me through my mobile number 09326073280.

Mr. Abrajano

Unknown said...

Hello I would like to purchase the Big Ate and Kuya Package. Please teach me at iamdovves@gmail.com

errrrmm.. said...

I would like to buy all volumes of Hiraya Manawari. Can this be purchased for personal consumption? Thank you